I really love cocktails, I am not a real fan of neat drinks, like vodka or whisky. I am more a cocktail type, a real sweet thooth haha. Always in for something new, like things I never tried before and most of the time I really like it of enjoy it. So here are some recipes what I have for you to try.
Pina c'Orange
I tried a already mixed pina colada from the store with orange juice and also multvitamin juice and I do really like it. It is sweet but also very fresh with a tropical flavour of coconut, yummm... you have to try this one.
I Always fill one part of the glass with pina colada in my glass and then fill 3rd part of the glass with orange juice.
-1/4 of the glass pina colada
3/4 of the glass fruit juice of your choice
Kir Royal
This is a very simple one, not really a cocktail but most of the people does have this in home ( well... I do haha). This is a mix of champagne and berrie liquer. A feasty, quick and fancy drink for your guests. It isn't really sweet but very fresh and sparkly, you can also add a scoop of lemon sorbet. This combination is more like a entré or a dessert, but very yummi. It is fresh, sweet and classy, of course you can try otheer sorbet flavours, but I prefer the lemonflavour, because of the freshness.
Wine d'Orange
Ok, most people do have this at home, red wine and orange juice, yes you can mix this together. I really don't like red wine, but this way is much better. It's more fruity and refreshing, you have experiment first. I Always fill the cup with a little red wine first and then poor the orange juice in till the right taste.
Juicy Champange
Yes I like combinig chamagne and fruit juices, just mix your favourite champagne with a fruitjuice of your choice. I prefer red fruit juices, but everyone has another taste right :P You can also mix it with rosewater, it tastes a little sweeter, I like this combi.
Tropical bull
I tried this once and I think you first do have to get used to it, but then you do it is quit tasty drink. A mix of Passoa, Malibi and Red bull (energydrink)
- 1/4 part of the glass passoa
- 1/6 part of the glass with Malibu
- the rest of the glass red bull (energydrink)
- if you like add some sodawater
Sunny Summer
This one is one of my fav, it is not that sweet but it is fruity and you can also taste the alcohol a bit. I prefer to add a little suger in it.
- 4 red grapfuits
- 2 lemons
- 1/5 of the glass white rum
- ice
Tequila Sunrise
This is my fav drink along with the blue hawaiian, both very tropical and fruity. I like this one with a lot of ice cubes.
- 1/5 of the glass tequila
- 1 teaspoon grenadine/red fruit lemonade
- the rest of the glass with orange juice
Blue Hawaiian
Ofcourse the last one, my fave. Fruity, sweet and tropical, a real summerfeeling on holiday.
- 1/5 blue curacao
- 1/5 coco rum or plain rum
- 1/4 coco milk
- fill the rest of the glass with pineapple juice.
if you want to keep it simple just add Pina Colada and Blue Curacao together and there you have it.
Enjoy the cocktals!
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